
Please complete the following form to confirm your booking.

Have you checked availability of the dome?(Required)
You must check availability before proceeding with your booking.
Date of event(Required)
Is this a surprise event?(Required)
How would you like to pay?(Required)
Do you have a flat surface of 4x4m to install igloo?(Required)

Recommended Suppliers

We recommend the following suppliers.
Check the box next to any suppliers that you would like an introduction to. Note that by ticking the boxes, you are giving us permission to make an email introduction and share your email address with those suppliers. Read more about the suppliers. (Link opens in new window.)
Terms and Conditions(Required)

A deposit is required to secure the booking. After you press the Submit button you will taken to a page with details of how to pay the deposit.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.